Surjadi family leaving impact in Papua

Reigno and Debby Surjadi lead the children of Bugalaga in singing during their March visit to Papua. (Photo submitted)

PAPUA, INDONESIA―What a difference a generation makes! When Dr. Julius Surjadi began his partnership with the Luke Society in Papua, Indonesia, his daughter Kezia was 3 years old and his son Reigno was 1. On a recent family ministry trip to Papua, Kezia was able to care for patients as a physician alongside her father. Reigno is completing his training to receive a commercial pilot license.

During the past 24 years, Julius and his wife, Debby, have made countless trips to mountain villages in Papua, ministering to tribal people who initially had no knowledge of health, hygiene, healthy family relationships or treatment of disease. They also had no knowledge of Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Little by little, Julius has patiently taught and demonstrated how to take care of one’s health. He has trained community health workers to diagnose and manage basic medical problems. Last year they saw 11,187 patients and helped monitor the treatment of 55 tuberculosis patients. Most importantly, residents are learning that they need a Savior.

As villagers began surrendering their lives to Jesus, the need for a Bible school arose. For the past 16 years, leaders have been trained in the Bible school that was constructed in Bugalaga. There are now 35 churches in the Bugalaga area and 22 churches near Pagamba. Evangelism teams are regularly sent out to reach remote villages with the Gospel.

Pray for God to continue to bless these efforts and to protect those who serve Him fearlessly in this difficult region of the world. Pray for other mission organizations like Mission Aviation Fellowship which are vitally important to support ministry work in such remote locations. Join the Luke Society in giving thanks that in spite of the challenges, God is building His kingdom globally.

Toggle between the two images below to read the full GAP newsletter, including prayer requests and causes for praise.

Greg Kuiper

Director of ministry development


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