Salvation message reaching rural Benin

Villagers in rural Benin enjoy a time of worship at and evangelistic event sponsored by Dr. Bernard Sogbo’s ministry.

TCHAOUROU, BENIN―Dr. Bernard Sogbo is a relatively new Luke Society partnership of just two years. Working in Tchaourou, Benin, in west Africa, his ministry has been growing in gang-buster ways. Patient volume has been steadily increasing, a new doctor was recently hired on staff, and medical clinic renovations have provided room for a pharmacy and future laboratory. This is truly exciting growth which is helping the people of Tchaourou with more stable medical services and an increase in available services.

However, one of the most exciting things happening in this ministry are the explosive evangelistic opportunities. Dr. Bernard is a gifted evangelist and has also hired two pastors who set up weekly evangelism meetings in rural villages. People travel from an eight-kilometer radius to hear these pastors. Films about Jesus are shown using a projector run off a small generator. There is much time for reflection as the film stops frequently to translate the words into multiple tribal dialects. Discussion and dancing follows the film and last long into the night.

It is notable how hungry the villagers are to hear the Gospel of salvation. The concept of salvation through grace is new to them. The ideas of self-sacrifice and loving one’s neighbor are having tangible impact in their homes. There is an eagerness to turn away from the tribal religions and fetishes that have been around for centuries and to worship the one true God.

Please pray for Dr. Bernard and his gifted medical staff in Benin. Pray for Dr. Bernard and pastors Alfonso and Santa as they spread the Good News through the gatherings. Pray for the newly converted villagers as they work through how their newfound faith needs to impact their lives.

Click here to watch a video of the energetic worship time in Benin.

Toggle between the two images below to read the full GAP newsletter, including prayer requests and causes for praise.

Nathan Stob

International Ministry Coordinator


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