Illnesses a reminder of life’s fragility

Dr. Martin Luther Osse visited Dr. Issaka Poudiougo and his wife, Marie, in April, prior to Issaka’s chemo treatments.

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ…” ― Philippians 3:20

We receive many indications that this world is not our eternal home. Many times this comes through the whispers of a messed-up daily schedule, a minor car accident or a common cold.

Yet, sometimes the shouts are loud and we fall to our knees with stark reminders of our broken world. Please pray for the following people who are close to the Luke Society’s heart:

  • Dr. Issaka Poudiougo, ministry director in Kaniaka, Mali, continues to fight pancreatic cancer. Pray for healing and comfort as he has received eight out of 12 chemotherapy treatments. He received initial treatments in Tunisia but is now back in Mali’s capital of Bamako, still away from his children.

  • Pray for Luke Society’s ministry director in Laos. We cannot share his name for security reasons, however, he is hospitalized in Thailand while he fights liver cancer. He is being treated for pneumonia before he can receive more chemotherapy treatments while being surrounded by his family.

  • Luke Society board member Scott Kooiman is in comfort care and hospice after discontinuing treatment following a two-year battle with abdominal cancer. He is spending his days with family and friends. Pray for Scott, wife Anne, and their four children.

Toggle between the two images below to read the full GAP newsletter, including prayer requests and causes for praise.

Nathan Stob

International Ministry Coordinator


New vehicle needed in Guatemala


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