GAP commemorates 25th anniversary

Twenty-five years after starting the Global Allies in Prayer ministry in Vicksburg, Miss., Eleanor Boelens and Brenda David reunited for prayer in Grand Rapids, Mich., for the Spring Day of Prayer and Fasting May 11.

SIOUX FALLS—The Global Allies in Prayer ministry — of which you’re likely a member if you’re reading this — celebrated a milestone in April, marking 25 years of organized prayer for the Luke Society’s global ministries.

The prayer ministry began shortly after Brenda David moved to Vicksburg, Miss., in 1997. Her husband, Phil, had just joined the Luke Society staff as its foreign program coordinator, and Brenda thought it would be important to get to know the ministries and to pray for them.

She began organizing prayer meetings every Tuesday with Eleanor Boelens — wife of then-executive director Dr. Peter Boelens — where they would pray for each of the 12 active Luke Society ministries. Recognizing the importance of prayer, Dr. Boelens asked Brenda to join the Luke Society staff in April of 1997, to seek out specific prayer requests from the ministries and to intercede on their behalf.

Brenda’s vision for GAP was not only to pray over the ministries herself — which she did for two hours every day — but to build an army of prayer warriors to join her in intercession.

“I remember being excited when we reached 300 prayer warriors — the size of Gideon’s army,” Brenda said. “I recruited some churches, through PMTs and in monthly magazines like PRAY Magazine and the Banner. We got up to 700 over the years.”

That number continues to grow today. Nearly 800 receive a printed copy of the monthly GAP newsletter and better than 600 receive it by e-mail. Others read it on the Luke Society website.

Prayer continues to be just as vital today as it was 25 years ago. Thank you for being a part of this team. Thank you for the many prayers you have lifted up for people you will likely never meet this side of Heaven. We look forward to the day when all of us will be joined together in the throne room of the King of kings, giving thanks for all He has done.

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You can view the complete June GAP Newsletter by toggling between the images below.

Dan Breen

Communications Director


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