Supporting Ukraine relief

Rivne, Ukraine, has become accustomed to hearing warning sirens in the area as the war begins to have a greater impact on the regions where the Luke Society has ministry partners. Now, you can help support our ministries in the region through the Eastern European relief fund.

When someone needs help after an unexpected tragedy or difficult situation, they seldom forget those who come to their aid.

More than likely you have experienced the blessing of giving to those who had the misfortune of being in an unanticipated crisis. Or perhaps you were the one who needed help, and you remain profoundly grateful to the person, church or organization that threw you a lifeline.

Our Luke Society ministry partners in Eastern Europe have generally been spared from natural disasters and other calamities. In fact, in the 58 years of the Luke Society’s existence, we’ve never needed to develop a crisis fund for our ministries in this region —until now.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created overwhelming needs. Millions of residents have been displaced, losing jobs, homes, food security and in far too many cases, losing loved ones. Remarkably, all three of our Luke Society ministry partnerships in Ukraine have continued to function. This affirms the effectiveness of partnering with nationals who are committed to serving the needs of the people in their country and community.

As a supporter, you recognize that the Luke Society is not a relief organization. But when our directors are given opportunities to bring hope, healing and assistance, these actions are recognized as the love of Jesus on full display.

In Ukraine, our directors have been providing refugees with medical care and temporary housing. But they expect humanitarian needs to escalate when residents return and resettle in their communities. We are asking you to help us be prepared to assist when that time comes. Our directors live in the communities they serve, and have the discernment necessary for how best to respond to the overwhelming needs.

Thank you for your support in helping the Luke Society establish this crisis fund!

If you would like to support this relief project in Eastern Europe, click here to donate online.

Greg Kuiper

Director of ministry development


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