Spirit leads to four new partnerships
A small clinic has been set up in the mountains of southern Mexico and is the newest Luke Society ministry partner.
Imagine the scene which unfolds at the beginning of the book of Acts. Moments before his ascension, Jesus is standing before the disciples giving his final words of encouragement. “You will be my witnesses…to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The disciples must have looked at each other bewildered and wondered how this could possibly happen.
Fast forward to today. We see how these words are coming true as missionaries have brought the Gospel message to many countries and people groups. Now, we see indigenous Christians join the task of spreading the Good News in their own region.
This past year we have seen this story continue to unfold. The Luke Society is honored to partner with four new ministry directors. Three from Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger) and one from Mexico.
Please pray for these new ministry directors. May they set up their medical work in ways which are pleasing to the Lord. May they be conduits of God’s grace, love and healing. May they have a deep impact on their area and on people’s souls as they bring healthcare, health education and the good news of Christ.
The Gospel message is expanding because brave people, like these Luke Society ministry directors, are willing to put aside the comforts of life to obey the call to minister to the least of these. How exciting that through obedience and prayer we get to play a part in spreading the message of the suffering and risen Savior to the ends of the earth!
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