Reliable vehicle needed in Mali
Prayers are given to a patient at Mission Saint Luc clinic in Segou, Mali. Dr. Bourama Sidibe has been called as a servant for Christ in this Muslim context and needs donor support to continue the Gospel’s push. (Photo by Dr. Brent Van Andel)
SEGOU, MALI—On May 21, 2021, the country of Mali experienced its third coup in 10 years. Military officials were unhappy with the way the current government was handling Jihadist activity in various parts of the country. They decided to take matters into their own hands. Their leader, Assimi Goita, took control but promised there would soon be democratic elections.
In January 2022 it became apparent these elections would not be taking place in a timely manner. Leaders from other West African countries closed their borders and began an economic blockade. The embargo was lifted six months later after leaders promised to hold elections early next year. In the meantime, France severed ties with Mali, and leaders of Mali began looking to Russia for support.
Luke Society director Dr. Bourama Sidibe lives and works in this setting. He was born in a village near Segou, the third largest city in Mali, located in the southern part of the country along the Niger River. He has dedicated his life to ministering to the people in the marginalized surrounding villages.
From his clinic on the outskirts of town, his team travels to more than 20 villages. They provide medical care and teach community health, but their greatest desire is to tell people about Jesus. This past year they started 70 discipleship groups or small group Bible studies, which meet regularly in these places. Lives are being changed and communities transformed.
Recently, this work has become increasingly difficult because of the poor condition of Dr. Sidibe’s vehicle. It’s 25 years old and requires frequent repairs. He is the third owner and does not even know the mileage. The odometer has been broken since he purchased it.
During our visit with him in Segou a few weeks ago, he explained we could not go out into the surrounding villages because it would be too dangerous for us. However, despite the danger, his team continues to reach out to these areas. A new vehicle will help them to do this much more effectively.
Our goal is to raise at least $30,000 for this vehicle. Thank you for partnering with us in such important work. Your support makes it possible for Dr. Sidibe to continue bringing the Gospel to the people of these remote villages in Mali.
If you feel led to give to this fundraising project, you can do so by visiting this link: