Power of a praying physician

Dr. Consuelo Suárez, a physician at the Luke Society’s ministry in Jalapa, Mexico, appreciates that patient care at the Vida en Abundancia de Mexico clinic is more than just physical health, it’s spiritual care as well.

JALAPA, MEXICO—Dr. Consuelo Suárez of Jalapa, Mexico, was not looking for a job when she began working at Vida en Abundancia de México (Abundant Life of Mexico) two years ago.

As a single mother, she was busy home-schooling her 10-year-old son, wanting him to have a solid Christian foundation for life. She was acutely aware that the values being taught in the local public schools regarding sexuality and identity were contrary to Biblical teaching.

But when asked to serve as the primary physician at VAM, she sensed this was also a calling from God. So for six hours a day Consuelo attends to patients and spends the remainder of each day schooling her son.

It would be easy for Consuelo to get a better paying position in a clinic that offers more medical services, but she cherishes the opportunities she has at VAM to share her faith and specifically, to pray with her patients.

She would readily agree with David’s words in Psalm 16: 11 “You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence.”

Sharing the joy and abundant life offered by Jesus is what motivates Consuelo to work so hard at VAM and at home. She recognizes the power of believers who pray, and enthusiastically uses this gift from God to build His kingdom.

Greg Kuiper

Director of ministry development


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