Cameroon civil war statistics troubling

Luke Society Regional Coordinator Dr. John Oduro-Boateng and Bamenda, Cameroon, ministry director Dr. Paul Atem chat during a visit to Cameroon last year. Civil war continues to cause disruption in the country.

BAMENDA, CAMEROON—Please pray for the often forgotten war continuing to rage in Cameroon. This complex civil war began in 2017 when a group of separatists desired to gain independence from the rest of Cameroon. The war primarily stems from a long-standing conflict between tribal territories and colonized boundary lines.

Both sides of the conflict have been accused of committing atrocities in the fighting. Even though the history is complex, the crisis is real and tangible with civilians feelings the largest burden of this war.

Human Rights Watch states that more than 6,000 people have been killed and over 85,000 people do not have access to health care. According to UNICEF, an estimated 1.3 million people are experiencing a humanitarian crisis as they lack appropriate food, water or shelter.

This war continues to directly impact Luke Society ministry director Dr. Paul Atem. He and his wife, Comfort, were forced out of their home in 2019 and have been living in their medical clinic in Bamenda since then. Their satellite clinics in unsettled areas remain closed. Each day there are more killings along with the daily trials.

“Today and tomorrow we are in a complete lockdown,” Dr. Atem said. “I am just learning this evening that three people were killed in Bamenda today. We heard bomb blasts and gun shots in the morning and a helicopter flying overhead in the afternoon. We just pray that this war comes to an end.”

Pray for Dr. Atem as he continues to treat and minister to patients in this challenging environment.

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Nathan Stob

International Ministry Coordinator


Director passes unexpectedly


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