Economics, insecurity decimating Haiti

Residents of Cayes-Jacmel, Haiti, learn how to make liquid soap to improve cleanliness. The country continues to work though difficult times that have battered it politically and economically. (Photo submitted)

CAYES-JACMEL, HAITI—Please pray for the country of Haiti and Luke Society ministry director Dr. Erol Rene. Excerpts from a recent email from Dr. Rene describe the overwhelming challenges Haiti is facing right now:

“The political, security and economic situation in Haiti…continues to deteriorate. Protests against the government continue nonstop throughout the country, [often] accompanied by scenes of looting. Protesters also attack and sometimes burn the houses of political leaders, and armed groups [and gangs] have taken advantage of the country’s political situation to consolidate their positions and occupy more territories.

Economically…the situation is no better. Banks only operate three days a week, sometimes for only two or three hours. They only receive deposits as they have no money to deliver to the people. Famine threatens the whole society. There is no gasoline or gas for cooking. There is a lack of drinking water.

[In addition] there have been two reported outbreaks of cholera, which is concerning considering that when cholera hit the country in 2011, it claimed the lives of more than 10,000 people.”

Yet, we praise God for the glimpses of light as Dr. Erol continues:

“In the midst of this complex situation, the ministry has not stopped. The team remains very united and strong. God has given us strength to keep standing up mentally and keep moving forward. We are motivated by the desire to help others.”

The full November GAP newsletter can be viewed below by toggling between the two images.

Nathan Stob

International Ministry Coordinator


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