Book fair to support Cameroon

SIOUX FALLS—There’s a neat way to bless to the Luke Society this week if you’re in the Sioux Falls area.

Especially if you’re a reader.

Children in the DeHaan family of Sioux Falls are conducting a used book fair to exchange reading materials between people in the area.

The book fair is being held 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, March 19, at DeHaan family’s home, 7416 South Valencia Drive in Sioux Falls.

All the proceeds from the book fair are going to support the Luke Society – specifically one of our newest ministries in M’bongo, Cameroon, where Dr. Patricia Dimene is in need of a vehicle for her own transportation and to get medications from the city to the more rural locations of M’bongo.

In addition to selling the books, the DeHaans are also soliciting donations of new or used books to be sold at the book fair. Books can be dropped off at Life Church (501 N. Elmwood Ave.) or at the DeHaan home. They are also willing to pick up books from your location.

The middle school and high school youth program at Life Church encouraged its students to think about how they could make a difference in their community and around the world. The DeHaan children include: Gerrit, 18, Luke, 16, Ezra, 13, and Ciella, 9.

For more information about how you can help, or if you’d like to make a donation, contact the DeHaans at 605-400-1674.


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