Assisting new clinic with equipment
Dr. Israel Hernandez walks on the property of what will become his new clinic, overlooking beautiful Lake Atitlan in San Juan, Guatemala. The Luke Society is asking for funds to help supply the proper medical equipment to get his clinic running quickly. (Photo by Dan Breen)
Dr. Israel Hernandez is not happy with the quality of health care people are receiving in his mountain community of San Juan, Guatemala.
There are not enough medical clinics in his city of 10,000. This leads to long wait times, lack of medication and overall poor medical care. A recent survey found that 70 percent of San Juan residents travel outside the city for their medical needs.
As a longtime Luke Society ministry director, Dr. Hernandez has a proven track record of providing quality medical care and compassionate Christian service. He has a vision to help the residents of San Juan by building a medical center which will provide general medicine, while also addressing some of the region’s most needed medical services such as dentistry, gynecology and pediatrics.
This project is years in the making and Dr. Hernandez is ready to begin construction on the new medical center. Generous donors have taken an interest in this project and have committed to funding most of the clinic building. Dr. Hernandez hopes the clinic construction will be complete by April 2023.
Once the clinic is constructed, Dr. Hernandez would like to begin patient care immediately, which means having the appropriate medical equipment. The estimated cost for quality medical equipment $60,000. The Luke Society is hoping to assist with $40,000 of this cost.
Please consider partnering in this project to provide Gospel-centered medical care for the people of San Juan, Guatemala.
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