Greg Kuiper Greg Kuiper

Help fund Mali maternity wing

Expansion into ophthalmology has limited the amount of maternity space in Aite, Mali. Luke Society supporters are being asked to consider helping to provide Indielou Dougnon and his ministry a much-needed boost to the maternity facilities

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Brent Van Andel Brent Van Andel

Support ministry growth in Benin

The Luke Society is raising money to support the growth of Dr. Bernard Sogbo’s clinic in Tchaourou, Benin. Would you consider helping as he brings health and the Gospel of Jesus to his region?

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Greg Kuiper Greg Kuiper

Polio outbreaks threaten Papua

Polio may be considered a disease of the past by some, but in parts of the world it still flares up. Dr. Julius Surjadi and his wife, Debby, are at the forefront of putting an end to that in Papua, Indonesia.

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Brent Van Andel Brent Van Andel

Kenya ministry awaits new generator

When we encounter a loss of electricity, it’s usually and inconvenience for a short period. When it happens near Dr. Tom Olewe’s medical clinic in Nairobi, Kenya, it causes disruption to the entire medical process.

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