Crash course
In recent months I’ve taken on the challenge of a redesign to the Luke Society website. In preparation, I thought it might be neat to shoot some drone footage of our property to provide a different perspective of our building and grounds.
Before he retired, executive director Dr. Wrede Vogel brought in his personal drone to the office to help me hatch this idea. One look at the headline above and you can probably tell where this is going. I have no experience flying drones – or any other kind of aircraft for that matter.
After a five-minute tutorial, Wrede left me with the drone and the instruction to, “have fun.”
That fun lasted approximately 15 minutes until the low battery light began flashing. No worries, though. Most drones are preprogramed to automatically return safely to their spot of launch in situations like this.
Unfortunately, drones are not necessarily programed to navigate the obstacles in their way during this homebound flight. Just as the control panel informed me the aircraft was heading to its home base, it shot straight up into the air, cutting a path into the foliage of a large ash tree in front of the Luke Society building.
The propellers briefly weed-wacked their way through some of the leaves before succumbing to the environment and beginning a not-so-graceful descent to the ground. I raced under the tree, attempting to catch the freefalling aircraft like a baseball player would catch a pop fly. However, it glanced off my outstretched arm and crashed in tremendous fashion onto the Luke Society parking lot.
Damage reports were extensive. No aeronautical degree was needed to realize this bird had taken her last flight. Shamefully, I brought the wreckage, along with repeated apologies to Wrede, who was extremely understanding and forgiving of my amateur piloting. He even turned down my insistence that I personally pay for its replacement.
I wonder if this isn’t a poor man’s example of how Jesus handles our sins. We think we have control of the situation, until we don’t. It spins out of control and eventually causes us to crash hard. When we humbly bring our wreckage to the Lord, he forgives us. And he won’t take any payment. Our slate is clean and paid in full.
Now, imagine never having heard about that grace. Across the world, there are people who still do not know the love of Jesus Christ and redemption through him. That’s why the Luke Society exists. That’s why the Luke Society should matter to you. Our directors can offer every kind of remedy to heal the body, but if we aren’t delivering the message of Jesus Christ to every patient at the same time, the wreckage of souls can never be restored.
Continue to pray for this ministry and that people across the globe will experience Christ in ways that are impossible to ignore. Pray for the many people who need Jesus to take control and pilot their lives.